Thursday, 6 January 2011

Construction, Architecture, Gareth Pugh SS11

3 week's in and the deadline for my construction/contrast project is fast approaching. Monday is the final date and everything has to be handed in... a sketchbook of work and ideas and 3 A1 boards of examples, designs, research and samples I have created. I am almost done, just a couple of samples left to create and a few more outfits to design so I should be done in time! As I have looked at architecture and construction along side masculine and femininity I thought I would blog about some of the designers I have researched throughout the project. For  womenswear I have looked at Louis Vuitton, Dsquared and the collection I have posted above which is Jill Sander SS2011. As soon as I saw it on I had to use it, the clean straight lines connect so well with the perfect buildings and the contrast of fabrics with the masculine and feminine element.

For the masculine side of the project I have looked at Dior Homme and Dolce&Gabbana Fall2010. 

How cool are the last 2 outfits with butterfly's?!

☮ & ♥

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